Monday, March 17, 2008

Which Harry Potter character is most inspiring to you?

Here are some of the answers that have come in through the library's reading program:

Malik says Harry's most inspiring because he's determined to defeat Voldemort. Taylor voted for Harry too because he was extremely helpful and brave. Rachel is inspired by Hermione because she doesn't let anything stand in her way and she never gives up. Vishal also wrote about Hermione because she's so smart. Giovany and Abi were both inspired by Ron Weasley. Giovany was inspired because he was funny and Abi admired him because even though he knows he's not the best at magic and comes from a poor home, he doesn't give up. And he's a good friend.

It's a tough call, but count me in with the crowd: the character I find most inspiring from Harry Potter's world is Harry. I like his humility and the way he stands up for those who are less fortunate. I admire his struggle with things beyond his control and the way he accepts the burdens placed on him. But what's your take? Which character do you find most inspiring?

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